
こしわ あやめ
越王 純米大吟醸 菖蒲【数量限定】
Koshiwa Junmai Daiginjo Ayame [limited quantity]
“Koshiwa” is the top brand of our brewery.
A top-grade junmai daiginjo that has been brewed with extreme care.
Made with 100% Yamada Nishiki rice grown in Special District “A” of Hyogo Prefecture.
It is bottled after having undergone the “Nakagumi” pressing method, where only the finest sake is extracted from the center of the ingredients, allowing for a well-balanced aroma. The “Binhiire” method, where the brewing is done over fire, is also used in order that the freshness of the flavor and exquisite aroma are kept in. A top-grade junmai daiginjo that has been brewed with extreme care.
■原料米/山田錦(兵庫特A) ■精米歩合/30% ■日本酒度/±0 ■酸度/1.3 ■アミノ酸度/0.6 ■アルコール度/15度
720ml 10,000円(税込11,000円)

越後鶴亀 特醸 純米大吟醸
Echigo Tsurukame Tokujo Junmai Daiginjo
A pleasingly fruity aroma and light flavor
Every process is painstakingly accomplished by hand. Delicate and utterly elegant, this Junmai Daiginjo sake is characterized by a bright aroma, a subtle acidity, and a smooth, bold flavor.
■原料米/山田錦 ■精米歩合/40% ■日本酒度/+1.0 ■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/1.0 ■アルコール度/15度
720ml 3,500円(税込3,850円)/180ml 800円(税込880円)

こしわ はやと
越王 純米大吟醸 隼人
Koshiwa Junmai Daiginjo Hayato
“Koshiwa” is the top brand of our brewery.
Enjoy its exquisite and mellow aroma the moment it enters your mouth.
A junmai daiginjo that has been made with 100% Yamada Nishiki, which is the ideal rice for brewing sake. An excellent product that is carefully tasted, with the rice grains having been polished up to 40%.
The “Binhiire” method, where the brewing is done over fire, is also used in order that the freshness of the flavor and exquisite aroma are kept in.
Enjoy the pleasant and mellow aroma as well as how the flavor of the rice spreads the moment it enters your mouth.
■原料米/山田錦 ■精米歩合/40% ■日本酒度/±0 ■酸度/1.4 ■アミノ酸度/0.7 ■アルコール度/15度
720ml 5,000円(税込5,500円)

越後鶴亀 純米大吟醸
Echigo Tsurukame Junmai Daiginjo
A pleasingly fruity aroma and light flavor
This sake is brewed with a view to drawing out its natural aroma and boldness to the greatest possible extent. The fruitiness comes from the special Ginjo yeast. Because the rice does not dissolve completely, the result is an exceedingly pure brew. It should be enjoyed slightly below room temperature.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/50% ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/1.1 ■アルコール度/15度
1800ml 5,600円(税込6,160円)/720ml 2,800円(税込3,080円)
300ml 1,100円(税込1,210円)

越後鶴亀 純米吟醸
Echigo Tsurukame Junmai Ginjo
With a rich aroma, this sake boasts a distinctly mellow flavor
This sake is known for the full-bodied aroma and mellow texture of the rice it’s made with, plus a subtle yet bold flavor.
Enjoy the delightfully fruity aroma and clear acidic quality.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/55% ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■酸度/1.2 ■アミノ酸度/1.3 ■アルコール度/15度
1800ml 3,400円(税込3,740円)/720ml 1,700円(税込1,870円)
300ml 850円(税込935円)

越後鶴亀 ワイン酵母仕込み 純米吟醸
Echigo Tsurukame Wine Yeast Junmai Ginjo
Two good things come together: the boldness of Japanese sake, and the pleasant acidity of wine
This special Junmaiginjo is made with wine yeast instead of sake yeast, which gives it a flavor unlike any other Japanese sake. A refreshing acidity level along with a soft and sweet aroma make it a great match for modern as well as traditional Japanese food.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/-32.0 ■酸度/4.0 ■アミノ酸度/1.3 ■アルコール度/12度
720ml 1,600円(税込1,760円)/300ml 750円(税込825円)
180ml 450円(税込495円)

越後鶴亀 招福神 純米吟醸
Echigo Tsurukame Shofukujin Junmaiginjo
Named after Shofukujin, god of good fortune, this sake boasts a distinctly mellow flavor
Intended for celebratory occasions, “Shofukujin” refers to the traditional god of good luck which, together with the brand name Tsurukame, is a very auspicious name. It has a medium bold flavor, yet does not compromise on aroma, which is delightfully fruity. It also offers clear acidic notes and a subtle yet bold taste.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/55% ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■酸度/1.2 ■アミノ酸度/1.3 ■アルコール度/15度
1800ml 3,400円(税込3,740円)/720ml 1,700円(税込1,870円)

越後鶴亀 純米
Echigo Tsurukame Junmai
The mellow flavor of rice, light acidity, and rich, bold texture
This sake is brewed to bring out the ultimate elegant flavor of the rice used to make it, and also to achieve a light, smooth texture and smooth flavor. Because it has a clear aftertaste, it is a great match for any kind of food. To be enjoyed either cold or hot.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/1.3 ■アルコール度/15度
1800ml 2,600円(税込2,860円)/720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)
300ml 650円(税込715円)/180ml 450円(税込495円)

越後鶴亀 招福神 純米 金箔入【季節限定】
Echigo Tsurukame Shofukujin with gold leaf (seasonal limited edition)
Shofukujin (god of wealth) with dazzling gold leaf and a mellow rice flavor
While the name “Shofukujin” and the brand name “Echigo Tsurukame” both have auspicious meanings, the gold leaf added to this packaging makes it even more fit for celebrations. The attributes of this sake include a light, smooth texture and a distinct boldness. Moreover, the fact that there is virtually no aftertaste also makes it ideal for pairing with food. It tastes equally delightful served cold or hot.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/1.3 ■アルコール度/15度
720ml 1,400円(税込1,540円)/300ml 700円(税込770円)

越後鶴亀 純米 アルミ缶
Echigo Tsurugame Junmai (aluminum can)
The mellow flavor of rice, light acidity, and rich, bold texture
Because this drink comes in an opaque, 100% aluminum can, it never loses its delicate flavor or aroma. Featuring a subtle aroma, this is a clean-and-clear flavor. Above all, this sake is made to convey the full-bodied flavor of the rice.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/1.3 ■アルコール度/15度
【希望小売価格】180ml 350円(税込385円)

なごみさけ 無濾過純米【季節限定】
Calm Muroka Junmai Sake (Seasonal limited edition)
With a delicate and sweet flavor that gradually dissipates, and a refreshing aroma.
The theme throughout the entire series is “light and modern flavors”.
It has a smooth tone with a distinguished acidity and an elegant flavor with a deepness to it. Take in the aroma that reminds you of apples at first while leaving a clear sweetness in your mouth as the flavor gradually dissipates.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/±0 ■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/0.9 ■アルコール度/15度
【希望小売価格】720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)

すずみさけ 純米生貯蔵【季節限定】
Raw-stored Junmai Summer Sake (Seasonal limited edition)
With an aroma that lightly passes through your mouth, and a full sweetness.
The theme throughout the entire series is “light and modern flavors”.
The aroma that is reminiscent of pears and tropical fruit lightly passing through your throat with its full sweetness is pleasant. A drink for all occasions that has a charming aroma that lingers. Serve cold to enjoy its refreshing taste.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/±0 ■酸度/1.6 ■アミノ酸度/1.0 ■アルコール度/15度
【希望小売価格】720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)

ひやおろし 純米熟成酒【季節限定】
Junmai Aged Autumn Sake (Seasonal limited edition)
Enjoy its elegant and pleasant aroma.
The theme throughout the entire series is “light and modern flavors”.
There is a soft and elegant touch at first, followed by a sweet and acidic flavor resembling that of muscat grapes that lingers on. Pour it into a glass and slowly enjoy how the flavor changes with the temperature.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/±0 ■酸度/1.6 ■アミノ酸度/1.0 ■アルコール度/15度
【希望小売価格】720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)

こもれび 純米白麹【季節限定】
Komorebi Junmai White Koji (Seasonal limited edition)
A sweet-and-sour and tangy sake with a sharp acidity and fresh, pure flavor.
This sake is brewed using "White Koji" for shochu instead of the usual "Yellow Koji" for sake. It features a lemon-like sweet-and-sour and tangy acidity with a fresh, crisp taste. To capture the pleasant sensation created by citric acid, we've crafted a pure, clean flavor. A bottle that we hope wine enthusiasts will appreciate.
■原料米/山田錦・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/±0 ■酸度/2.3 ■アミノ酸度/0.9 ■アルコール度/14度
【希望小売価格】720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)

ゆうなぎ 純米生酛【季節限定】
Yūnagi Junmai Kimoto (Seasonal limited edition)
An elegant and refreshing sake with a fresh taste that features a delicate fragrance and noticeable umami.
Unlike typical aged Kimoto sakes, it has a distinctive fresh taste exclusive to bottle aging. It is both elegant and modern. Its distinctive feature is the crisp acidity and clean flavor, which are complemented by an umami taste. Recommended with Italian appetizers.
■原料米/山田錦・五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/+5.0 ■酸度/2.0 ■アミノ酸度/0.7 ■アルコール度/15度
【希望小売価格】720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)

しぼりたて 純米原酒【季節限定】
Fresh-Brewed Junmai Raw Sake (Seasonal limited edition)
A fresh aroma, and a rich and lively flavor.
The theme throughout the entire series is “light and modern flavors”.
The fresh aroma passes through along with its rich, vivid, sweet, and acidic flavor. Enjoy the sense of speed and clear taste that can only be experienced with a new sake. A sake that brings out your liveliness when served cold.
■原料米/五百万石・こしいぶき ■精米歩合/60% ■日本酒度/±0
■酸度/1.5 ■アミノ酸度/1.0 ■アルコール度/16度
【希望小売価格】720ml 1,300円(税込1,430円)

越後鶴亀 厳選 ギフトセット
Echigo Tsurukame Special-Select Gift Set
A gift of our Junmai Daiginjo recommendations
This set features Echigo Tsurukame Junmai Daiginjo and Tokujo Junmaidaiginjo. This set is a fun way to experience for yourself the differences between the two types of Junmai Daiginjo.
左/特醸純米大吟醸 ■日本酒度/+1.0 ■精米歩合/40%
右/純米大吟醸 ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■精米歩合/50%
【希望小売価格】720ml 2本組 5,500円(税込6,050円)

越後鶴亀 慶祝 ギフトセット
Echigo Tsurukame Gift Set
すっきりした味わいの【招福神 純米吟醸】と滑らかで旨味のある【純米】の飲み比べセットです。
A quality gift ideal for celebrations
Enjoy the contrast between the clean-tasting Shofukujin Junmaiginjo and the smooth, bold-flavored Junmai. Two wonderful flavors and textures in one!
左/招福神純米吟醸 ■日本酒度/+4.0 ■精米歩合/55%
右/純米 ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■精米歩合/60%
【希望小売価格】720ml 2本組 3,500円(税込3,850円)

越後鶴亀 こだわり ギフトセット
Echigo Tsurukame Brewery Pick Gift Set
A combination of three popular items
This is a selection of some of the sake varieties that Echigo Tsurukame is best known for: Junmai, Junmai Ginjo, and Junmai Daiginjo.
左/純米大吟醸 ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■精米歩合/50%
中/純米吟醸 ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■精米歩合/55%
右/純米 ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■精米歩合/60%
【希望小売価格】720ml 3本組 5,500円(税込6,050円)

越後鶴亀 慶賀 ギフトセット【季節限定】
Echigo Tsurukame Seasonal Limited-Edition Gift Set
金箔入りの【招福神 純米】と辛口【純米吟醸】のセットです。冷やしても温めても美味しいお酒2本です。
The perfect gift for that special occasion
This set contains Shofukujin Junmai and Junmai Ginjo, the latter being a dry sake, in one gold leaf-embellished set. Both are equally delicious served cold or warm.
左/招福神純米(金箔入り) ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■精米歩合/60%
右/純米吟醸 ■日本酒度/+4.0 ■精米歩合/55%
【希望小売価格】720ml 2本組 3,500円(税込3,850円)

Cold-Serve Gift Set (seasonal limited edition)
手間と時間をかけ小仕込で醸した夏限定ギフト。【すずみさけ純米生貯臓酒】と【すずみさけ 純米吟醸 生貯蔵酒】の詰め合わせです。フレッシュな香味を生貯蔵し瓶詰め。夏のために醸した数量限定のお酒。よく冷やして涼味をお楽しみください。
A refreshing cold sake gift that is delicious served cold.
A summer-only gift that has taken a lot of time and effort to prepare and brew in small quantities. It is an assortment of Raw-stored Junmai Summer Sake and Raw-stored Junmai Ginjo Summer Sake. The fresh aroma has been raw-stored and bottled. A sake that is limited in quantity and brewed just for summer. Enjoy its refreshing taste served cold.
左/すずみさけ 純米生貯臓 ■日本酒度/+2 ■精米歩合/60%
右/すずみさけ 純米吟醸 生貯蔵 ■日本酒度/+4 ■精米歩合/55%
【希望小売価格】720ml 2本組 3,500円(税込3,850円)

越後鶴亀 こだわり飲み比べセット
Echigo Tsurukame Compare-and-Contrast Gift Set
Three popular items in one set: enjoy comparing and contrasting your favorites
This is a selection of small bottles of some of the sake varieties that Echigo Tsurukame is best known for: Junmai, Junmai Ginjo, and Junmai Daiginjo.
左/純米 ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■精米歩合/60%
中/純米吟醸 ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■精米歩合/55%
右/純米大吟醸 ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■精米歩合/50%
【希望小売価格】300ml 3本組 2,500円(税込2,750円)

越後鶴亀 おすすめ飲み比べセット
Echigo Tsurukame Favorites Sake Set
Three popular items in one package: enjoy comparing and contrasting your favorites
This set contains our Junmai and Junmai Ginjo, two of our premier sake varieties, along with bottles of our highly unusual wine-yeast sake.
左/純米 ■日本酒度/+3.0 ■精米歩合/60%
中/純米吟醸 ■日本酒度/+2.0 ■精米歩合/55%
右/ワイン酵母仕込み 純米吟醸 ■日本酒度/-32.0 ■精米歩合/60%
【希望小売価格】300ml 3本組 2,500円(税込2,750円)